Something Wicked this way comes!

Blog 2020 September Event Cancelled Covid-19

With a little over 2 months to go before our event is planned to go ahead we are still unable to finalise our plans because of the uncertainties caused by Covid-19. We know from your queries and requests for confirmation too that you feel as we do, which is in limbo. So after much thought, discussions with agents etc. we have made the very difficult decision to cancel HorrorConUK on 26th & 27th September 2020. We’re sorry, we know many of you will be sad and as disappointed as we are but we don’t feel we have any choice, it takes most of the year for us to plan HorrorConUK so we’ve not taken this decision lightly.

There are many reasons for this decision, not least of which is the UK ban on mass events taking place, the quarantine of people entering the UK from the USA where most of our guests live and our great venue, Magna, cannot open for events at the moment. In addition social distancing would be really hard to implement at HorrorConUK! Think about the signings and the photo ops without being near to the guests!

This has been such a difficult decision, we hoped for announcements that mass gatherings could go ahead and an end to quarantine etc. but it’s not happened and we know that you need to know to book hotels or travel and just to know what is happening. We will announce guests when they are confirmed which usually would be towards the end of the year or early new year.

As with most of the events industry this whole situation has hit us financially very hard but we want to reassure you all that your ticket money is safe with us and your tickets will be valid for 15th and 16th May 2021 and will be re-issued nearer the time.

Should you need a refund please email us at before 31/08/2020. Photo ops can be refunded on request or should the guest be unable to attend the new dates be exchanged for another guest up to the same value or refunded.

We know that many people have had awful experiences during this pandemic and our hearts and sympathy go out to everyone who’s been affected.

We’d like to say thank you to everyone who has sent us emails and messages, we have been touched by your kindness and support.

For now, keep safe.

Gill & Wendy V”V x

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