Something Wicked this way comes!

Blog We’re Celebrating 15,000 Likes on Facebook!

Thank you for helping HorrorConUK reach an amazing 15,000 Facebook Likes! It’s bloody wicked!

It seems ages ago that we (Wendy & Gill) founded HorrorConUK in 2014, with our first event at Magna Science Adventure Centre in 2015! And what a fantastic first show it was with Gunnar Hansen (RIP), Tom Savini, Bill Moseley, Caroline Munro, Martine Beswick, Ken Foree & Dacre Stoker. A Horror Convention in the UK that was a success! We were told it wouldn’t work in the UK because no one would come, but you did!

Scareplay Competition 2016

Our crackpot, pie in the sky idea of a US style Horror Convention in the UK worked! Since that first show we have grown and have been privileged to meet such icons of the genre as;

2016: David Naughton, Doug Bradley, Fenella Fielding, Kane Hodder, Linnea Quigley, Shaun Hutson & Ian McCulloch

2017: Cassandra Peterson, Heather Langenkamp, John Jarratt, Thom Mathews, Sid Haig, Linda Hayden, Sir Christopher Frayling & Graham Humphreys

And at our show in 2018 we have Billy Wirth, Dee Wallace and Dario Argento announced so far with a good few more to come shortly!

We just want to celebrate that we’ve now reached over 15,000 Likes on Facebook and are as pleased as punch about it!


Tony Earnshaw in conversation with the late Gunnar Hansen at HorrorConUK in July 2015




*Featured image: Bunny Galore with Cassandra Peterson AKA Elvira Mistress of the Dark at HorrorConUK 2017

Facebook – Horrorconuk
Twitter – @Horrorconuk

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