Something Wicked this way comes!

Blog Graham Humphreys WIP HorrorConUK 2018 Guest poster!

So here is a first look at HorrorConUK’s exclusive guest poster designed by our wonderful guest artist Graham Humphreys.  Graham describes his inspiration for this year’s poster, saying: ‘There is a linking theme between most of the guests this year… the secret books The Necronomicon (Re-Animator via H.P. Lovecraft and David Warner & Jeff Combs film of the same name), plus The Three Mothers (Argento and Claudio)… and The Lost Boys (undead) and Dee as a werewolf in The Howling – essentially re-animated!’

    The Sketch

The Colour Wash

Graham is using the stepped entrance to the amazing Victorian Sheffield General Cemetery, with the ancient book at its steps in the foreground. The portraiture emanating from the books pages…  Awesome or what?!

As Graham explains ‘To honour and respect the welcome that is always given at HorrorConUK in Sheffield, I felt it was important to include a tribute to the host city within my design.

Whilst last year’s poster paid tribute to the legacy of Sheffield’s steel industry and the innovative Bessemer Converter – an invention that made the city world famous – this year I took a different approach. I looked for a thematic link between the guests, one that celebrated their memorable roles in horror. I found a link in two books… the ‘Necronomicon’ and ‘The Three Mothers’. Elsewhere, themes of re-animation through vampirism and werewolves led me to include the entrance to the great Sheffield General Cemetery.

The gothic tradition in literature has been generous with its gifts of dark inspiration – and what could be more gothic than a spooktacular Victorian cemetery? In this composition I am celebrating both. (I couldn’t resist adding some Lovecraftian tentacles!).’

The commemorative poster is £15 and only available at HorrorConUK at Magna on the 19th & 20th May,  you can preorder yours here HorrorConUK 2018 Graham Humphreys Poster

Stay tuned to see the work in progress…

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