Banned items list
The following items are banned from HorrorConUK and/or illegal in the UK. If an attendee at HorrorConUK brings any of these items to the convention you will be given the opportunity to take the item/s away with you or the item/s will be confiscated until you leave the convention:
It is illegal to carry a knife or gun, even an imitation one and legally you can be arrested and prosecuted – for further information please see the legal guidance here:
HorrorConUK is a family friendly event and attendees must ensure that their costumes are appropriate in this respect. Nudity is strictly prohibited; costumes must cover your private parts! Any costume that could be deemed as offensive such as displaying of hate symbols (e.g. swastikas), or those that are culturally insensitive, or show disrespect to a specific group or person are also prohibited. Military, law enforcement, medical personnel, government agent, or similarly themed costumes must also be easily identifiable from current, official uniforms. We also discourage oversized costumes and props too. If in doubt, give us a shout!