Something Wicked this way comes!

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Special Guests

Will the guest sign my items?

Yes the guests will sign your brought in items, and its usually the same price as their autograph.  Signing prices are listed on the Special Guests pages.

A guest I would like to meet is going to another event close to your event; can you get them to come to HorrorConUK?

No, we wouldn’t do this unless it’s part of the original agreement as we consider it to be poaching and not very honourable!

How do I pay for things at the event?

Bring lots of cash! Seriously! There is not a cash machine at the venue.  Also maybe have a wander around before you spend, that way you will have an idea of what you want to spend your money on! Simples! Not all vendors will accept card payments so if you wish to purchase an item from one of the exhibitors on the day we recommend you bring cash with you. If you have a budget, bring that budget with you! The special guest signings take cash only.

Catering services (including the bar) and pay on the day entry tickets are provided by Magna who take digital payments only.

Can I hug or kiss a guest?

We understand how overwhelming it can be to meet our Special Guests, and whilst we horror fans all know them very well, they do not know us from Adam! Please be courteous and respectful; please don’t make them feel uncomfortable by doing creepy weird stuff like staring at them from a distance! They are human beings not creatures from outer space!

Do Special Guests charge per signing?

In most cases the Special Guest will charge you for all signings, if in doubt do ask the guest’s assistant.

Please note the guests signing and photo op price is set by the guest and/or their agents, and may differ between other shows and is not under our control.


Will there be queues to get autographs or photos?

Yes!!  If you are new to the convention scene it might take you by surprise, but it is quite normal for this type of event.  So if there is a guest you simply have to meet, get in early, or better still attend on the Sunday (usually it’s a quieter day). There will usually be lines for the special guests. If there is a busy queue for your chosen guest, you will be given a ticket and asked to return at another time.

I can’t attend HorrorConUK but would like to buy a signed photo, is this possible?

Unfortunately not as we don’t have the capacity to arrange this at the moment.

How much are the Special Guests signings?

This is set by the special guest or their agent.  However, it is usually between £20 – £90.  HorrorConUK cannot guarantee that you will get a signing.   Sunday is usually a quieter day than Saturday and lines are quicker and easier to get through.

Can I get a photo with the special guests?

Yes, there will be professional photo opportunities.  You will receive a glossy 8×10 of you with the special guest in front of a professional backdrop.  However the number is limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.  If you book a photo you must be available to attend 5 minutes before you are scheduled, so if your photo is at 11 be there for 10:55am, the shoots are very tight – if you show up late we cannot guarantee your photo, its a bit like turning up late to the airport for a flight and asking the Steward to “Get the plane to come back”!  Put an alarm on your phone to remind you!

Photo Shoots will take place upstairs in the Fuel room – entry is via The Red Hall Restaurant stairs.  Whilst in the queue for your photo shoot please have your ticket ready to hand to our lovely assistants to scan.  Once inside the photo area please get ready for your photo – maybe take off your coat and be ready to place your belongings on the table inside (we will look after your stuff!).  The line moves very quickly once you’re with the guest, you have around 30 seconds!  So consider the pose you want taken before you get inside!  No kissing or lifting of the guests allowed!  Sorry!  Your photo is ready for collection a few seconds after it has been taken.  If you have left your belongings with us don’t forget to pick them up! We use professional photographers so there shouldn’t be any problems with your photo, but if something is wrong with your photograph e.g. you blinked etc or did a wonky face, you MUST let the photographer know there and then otherwise it is impossible to rectify afterwards.  Refunds cannot be given on photographs.  A photo shoot schedule of time slots will be published on our website around week before the event.

Each photo op ticket allows one person only in that photo op.  We do allow more than one person in a photo op, but each person is required to have purchased their own photo op ticket – you will each receive your own copy of the photograph.  We will allow up to two children under 12 to be in a photo free of charge with your photo op ticket.



Can I get a digital copy of the photo?

These are not guaranteed but the photographer does usually make them available for a fee after the event.

Can the Special Guest sign my photo?

The cost of the photograph with the guest does not include signing. You will be able to get the photo signed at the usual cost when the guest is back at their signing table.

Are Special Guests guaranteed to attend?

Special Guests are contracted to attend both days of HorrorConUK, but sometimes life gets in the way!  Guests appearances are subject to their work commitments because on rare occasions a guest may be offered film work which clashes with their appearance at HorrorConUK. This is a rare occurrence but, as with illness, can sometimes happen and is outside our control. Entry ticket refunds will not be given due to a guest cancellation, however we will refund photo tickets.

Please join our Mailing List (down at the bottom of the page) to keep up to date with HorrorConUK news.

Do the Special Guests have pictures to sign?

Yes, most of the guests will bring an assortment of pictures, photos, books, maybe posters and a plethora of other things to sign.  However there is always a chance they may sell out – although this hasn’t happened so far. You are free to bring along your own items to be signed – maybe your own poster, mask, photo or DVD/VHS. In general each item you want signed will be charged for, unless the guest decides to cut you a deal! Restricted items that you would like signing (e.g. a Machete) are not allowed into the convention (see rules on restricted items).

When will the Special Guests be signing?

Unless stated otherwise on the website, all guests will be available to sign on both days of HorrorConUK. Occasionally a guest may only be available to attend on one day and this will be clearly stated on the website.

Can I take a photo of the Special Guests or a selfie with them?

Please respect Special Guests and their wishes, most will oblige with a snap when purchasing an autograph – but if in doubt please do ask them.

Does the professional photo opportunity come with an autograph?

No. You are purchasing a photo opportunity with a guest and a photograph only. You may get the photo signed at the usual price when the guest is back at their signing table.

Do I have to pay for admission into the Q&A’s, talks or film screenings?

No, the special guest Q and A’s, talks and film screenings are included in the price but seating is limited, first come, first served. Treat the experience as though you were in the cinema, and make sure your phone is on silent or turned off. Occasionally some other activities or exhibits may be subject to a small charge by the provider.

How can I request a Guest to attend HorrorConUK in the future?

Please email your request to We love to hear your suggestions!  We will always take into account your ideas but sometimes we have already approached the guest and they can’t attend, sometimes we have approached them and they are coming, but you don’t know it yet!

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