Something Wicked this way comes!

Blog Trader Tables On Sale!

‘By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes’

That’s right folks Something Wicked® comes to Sheffield 11th & 12th May 2019 at Magna.

Why the change of name? Remember when Snickers were Marathons, Starburst were Opal Fruits and, Cif was Jif? No? (Ask your mum & dad)! Well we don’t know why they changed their names, but they did, like we are!

Joking aside, we feel that the Horror Con name has now become a generic descriptive name, much like Comic Con. So for 2019 we decided that we needed to give our event a distinctive name & identity. After a lot of thought, and many bad ideas, we decided upon ‘Something Wicked®‘, which we love, and we hope you love it too! We’re still the same ‘ole HorrorConUK, we haven’t been taken over by some evil corporation or anything like that!

In 2019 it will be our 5th show, 4 years since HorrorConUK had our very first show! 4 years!

Anyway our much anticipated Trader pitches are now on sale for 2019! So if you would like to be involved in Something Wicked please email us at to request the 2019 booking form.

As always our very best wishes,

Gill and Wendy
HorrorConUK Ltd

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